четверг, 27 февраля 2020 г.


But hey it got me started on guitar and the rest is history. Everything from eluding arrest, failing to stop for stop signs to Careless and reckless Thank you for the compliment. Can you introduce them? We've never really captured the true essence of SwampDaWamp in the studio so we hope this record gets it done! swampdawamp 2.0

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It's a safe bet that the Gig Michaels character will impress you just as much! I've written and produced about 12 albums to date in various bands and have had a lot of success.

Album songs Swampdawamp ※ Lyrics

Ain't much to tell other than some things just run their course. I feel like that has some of my best work on it. I vowed to give that comfort back to people who listened to my songs.

swampdawamp 2.0

We have a twist on it that is commercially viable on accident. I think the band name came by chance when you were singing. I was able to overcome my pain thru songs.

Ultimately leading us to where we are now, so well worth the ride. You know I am surprised that we sell a lot of whole albums digitally.

Swampdawamp - 2.0 Album

Some say there is not a bad song on it!! Why did you use additional musicians such as Mike Brignardello, Zippy Dokes, when you already had a bass player and a keyboard player? Can you tell us a bit more about it for our readers? Joe got really ill while we were beginning our 2nd record and time was eluding our .20.

We are all stoked to see Europe and meet the people!! We are hitting the other side of the pond early next year. Well, we just wanted swampfawamp fresh and work with a different perspective as an outside ear.

I have become close with a lot of swamodawamp bands on the cruises, some more than others but certainly have made a friend in all of them. Well the difference from this type of concert and a conventional concert is that 1; you are captive for 4 days, 2; the people that book these cruises are music lovers from all over the free world and you get to meet all of them 3; you don't swamldawamp to drive!!

He dug it and off we went Regarding the audience and also regarding the shows you keep especially the memory? Oddly enough and began the band.

We've never really captured the true essence of SwampDaWamp in the studio so we hope this record gets it done! Thank you for the compliment.

Listen to SwampDaWamp

We ended up charting at 4 and spending 6 weeks on the XM Seampdawamp charts. I think it all gets back to my roots of how I was so emotionally touched by songs at an early age. A stupid teenager I was lol! He was a great producer, God Rest his soul The thing that strikes me at first with SwampDaWamp, is your incredible voice.

swampdawamp 2.0

Working with other people on writing does have it's pro's and con's. For this first .20, the band has been expanded from three to six musicians. How did you to choose the new players? But seriously, all good people all good parties and all great music! That's when I started writing for what became SwampDaWamp A guy in the back seat shouted "go go go"

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