суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


You need to be the querist or approved CAclub expert to take part in this query. It should be noted that the total size of the e-Form 23ACA should not exceeding 2. It should be noted that the total size of the e-Form 23AC should not exceeding 2. An instance document is a XML file that contains business reporting information and represents a collection of financial facts and report-specific information using tags from the XBRL taxonomy. Once the tagging of financial statement elements with the published taxonomy elements is done, the next step is to create the instance document. form 23ac mca

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Once the tagging of financial statement elements with the published taxonomy elements is done, the next step is to create the instance document. Form 21A to be filed by companies without share capital Compliance Certificate: The Companies are requested to apply for correction of Master Data, should they find any discrepancies. File Form 23ACA 2. If mcs wish to attach more attachments, please download a fresh Form and repeat the above steps.

form 23ac mca

You are required to download the tool from the portal and validate the instance fodm before uploading the same. Please note that Banking companies, insurance companies, power companies and NBFCs registered with RBI are exempted from XBRL filing for this financial year as separate taxonomies are under development for these type of companies.

Form 23ac and 23aca

Subscribe to Expert Queries Feed. The company is required to electronically file with the concerned Registrar of Companies with the Profit and loss account separately which is required by this Act to be annexed or attached to such profit and loss account as an attachment with new e-Form 23ACA prescribed within 30 days from the date on which the balance sheet were laid before a company at an annual general meeting. Will I 23qc charged additional fees if my financial year is ? How to forn the balance sheet and profit and loss account in the XBRL format?

Also note that the forms are also required to be certified by a practicing professional i. Form 23ac and 23aca This query is: Visit these pages to know key MCA contacts and how to reach them.


Special feature has been provided for filing of e-Form 23AC, under which soft unsigned copy of the balance sheet together with the data of the notice of annual general meeting, directors report, auditors report, compliance certificate if applicable is required to be converted into the PDF files, unsigned and the director who is signing the e-FormAC is responsible for the proper attachments and accuracy of the documents.

The first step in creation of an instance document is to do tagging of the XBRL taxonomy elements with the various accounting heads in the books of accounts of the company.

No, the instance documents attached with Forms are not required to be digitally signed. You have the option to attach maximum 5 documents. It should be noted that the total size of the e-Form 23AC should not exceeding 2. Sign up Now Join CAclubindia.

form 23ac mca

How to do the Filing Companies can do e-Filing in three different ways: Remember Me Forgot Password? MCA has given exemption of additional fee for filing the financial statements in XBRL mode for the financial year A scanned copy considerably increases the size of the document besides being more expensive.

Alternatively, you can log in using: File additional attachments to Form 23AC. The company is required to electronically file with the concerned Registrar of Companies the balance sheet together with all documents which are required by this Act to be annexed or attached to such balance sheet as an attachment with new e-Form 23AC prescribed within 30 days from the date on which the balance sheet were laid before a company at an annual general meeting.

Please enable the javascript. The XBRL instance document for, to be created using a software tool for conversion.

Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Special feature has been provided for filing of e-Form 23ACA, under which soft unsigned copy of the profit and loss account is required to be converted into the PDF files, unsigned and the director who is signing the e-FormACA is responsible for the proper attachments and accuracy of the documents.

Set Content Preference Professional. Includes information on MCA's main functions and other details about the Ministry. If the size of Form 23AC exceeds 2. An instance document is a XML file that contains business reporting information and represents a collection of financial facts and report-specific information using tags from the XBRL taxonomy.

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